Quick Start

Don’t Panic

How to Install

spt3g_software depends on Boost and cmake, as well as the usual Python packages. Some additional packages (FFTW, GSL, and NetCDF, in particular) will activate optional components of the code if installed. You also need a C++11 compiler. This software is designed to run and work on a variety of operating systems (all Linuxes, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD) and architectures (at least 64-bit x86 and POWER).

Minimum versions:

  • GCC >= 4.7 or clang >= 3.3

  • Boost >= 1.48

  • cmake >= 2.6

  • Python >= 2.7

Installing Dependencies on a Personal System

On Ubuntu/Debian, you can install the non-Python dependencies, including the optional ones, by doing:

apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev libflac-dev libnetcdf-dev libfftw3-dev libgsl0-dev

On RHEL-type systems (SL, CentOS, etc.), do this:

yum install cmake netcdf-devel boost-devel flac-devel fftw-devel gsl-devel

Note that on RHEL/SL versions before 7, you will need a newer compiler than ships with the OS. Please see the clustertools repository for a script in this case.

Handling Dependencies on the Open Science Grid

On an OSG or other system with OASIS configured, run this before anything else:

eval `/cvmfs/spt.opensciencegrid.org/py3-v4/setup.sh`

This sets up a software environment with all the packages installed by yum, etc. above that you need for the SPT3G software environment, as well as a variety of standard cosmology and astrophysics tasks. As of late 2022, py3-v4 is the most recent version of this clustertools package; double check that you are using the correct version before you continue. You will obtain best results if you place the line above in your .bash_profile. Do not put it in .bashrc and make sure that this is the only software installation set up in your bash profile. In particular, take care that there are no references to other python installations (Anaconda, etc.).

Handling Dependencies on NERSC

On NERSC, all dependencies can be installed by ensuring the following modules are loaded with these exact versions (other version combinations may work, but this combination has been tested):

PrgEnv-gnu/6.0.5 python/3.7-anaconda-2019.07 gcc/8.2.0 boost/1.72.0 fftw/3.3.8 gsl/2.5

Python dependencies like Numpy or others can be installed with pip or conda (the python/3.7-anaconda-2019.07 module above will give you a pip or conda command you can use).

Additionally, below when you get to the cmake .. command, replace it with:

CC=gcc CXX=g++ cmake ..


Having installed the appropriate dependencies, return to your checkout and run the following to build the software:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Passing -jN to make, where N is the number of cores you wish to use during building, will speed up the process.

By default, this will use the system’s standard Python installation (whatever you get if you just run python). If you want a different python, you can specify that python through passing the argument -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE= to cmake. For example, to use Python 3 if Python 3 is not the default, replace the cmake command above with cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=`which python3`. Note that, if you do this, make sure that a Boost library built for the version of Python you are using exists – generally, installing everything from the system package manager will ensure this.

Once that is complete, you can either use the env-shell.sh script in the build directory to set up the appropriate environment variables (PYTHONPATH, etc.):


or you can pip install -e /path/to/spt3g_software/build (needs pip>=22) or poetry add -e /path/to/spt3g_software/build to partially install spt3g_software and all of its Python dependencies in “editable mode” into whatever Python environment you’d like. In either case 1) the build directory should be kept around, since the installation will read directly from this folder, and 2) the version of Python in the environment you are using should be the same as the one used to build spt3g_software. Note that this method does not install the headers and compiled binaries for use by downstream projects; the installation instructions below provide a more complete method for this.


For various reasons it may be useful to install the software after building, instead of continuing to use it out of the build directory. Two CMake variables control how the software is installed:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, which defaults to /usr/local is used as the root directory for installing all non-python components (header files, cmake export scripts, etc.)

  • PYTHON_MODULE_DIR, which if not explicitly set defaults to the result of running distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib <https://docs.python.org/3/distutils/apiref.html#distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib> with the selected python interpreter, is where the python module will be installed.

It is rarely necessary to set PYTHON_MODULE_DIR if python has been detected correctly, but setting CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is frequently useful when installing into a python virtual environment. In such a case, one may want build as follows:

mkdir build
cd build
make install

After this completes, it should be possible when using the virtual environment to import spt3g in python without needing to make use of env-shell.sh (and without needing the build directory to continue to exist or otherwise be accessible).

An uninstall target is also provided, so running make uninstall from the build directory should remove all files created by a previous make install.


The large volume of SPT3G data, even for single observations, has forced some changes in the time-ordered-data processing workflow from previous processing to ensure that a minimum amount of data is in memory and being processed at any given moment. Typically, this minimum quantum of data is a left-right (or right-left) scan, which corresponds to the standard chunk size used in almost all filtering operations. You can of course also write code that runs on longer chunks of data, though this should be avoided where possible to avoid using too much memory. A short overview of the moving parts of the system appears below.

There are three main ingredients to data processing: frames, modules, and pipelines. Details on these topics can be found elsewhere in the manual, in particular in the Modules and Frames chapters; a brief overview is given here.


Frames (G3Frames) are generic data containers that behave like a python dictionary. They map arbitrary strings to arbitrary data. Here is an example:

In [31]: print frame
Frame (Scan) [
"ACUStatus" (spt3g.gcp.ACUStatusVector) => 3 elements
"DfMuxHousekeeping" (spt3g.dfmux.DfMuxHousekeepingMap) => 37 elements
"SourceName" (spt3g.core.G3String) => "RCW38"
"GCPFeatureBits" (spt3g.core.G3VectorString) => 1 elements
"RawBoresightAz" (spt3g.core.G3Timestream) => 386 samples at 190.783 Hz
"RawBoresightEl" (spt3g.core.G3Timestream) => 386 samples at 190.783 Hz
"RawTimestreams_I" (spt3g.core.G3TimestreamMap) => Timestreams from 1729 detectors
"RawTimestreams_Q" (spt3g.core.G3TimestreamMap) => Timestreams from 1729 detectors
"TrackerStatus" (spt3g.gcp.TrackerStatus) => 300 tracker samples from 21-Apr-2015:01:50:19.010000000 to 21-Apr-2015:01:50:22.000000000
"Turnaround" (spt3g.core.G3Bool) => True

This frame contains information from a scan over RCW38 that you can access by the names in the first column, with a summary of their contents on the right. The (Scan) at the top is a description of the kind of data in the frame (e.g. Housekeeping data, a Map, a Scan, etc.)

The types of data you can store in the frame are containers that subclass G3FrameObject. These are listed in the manual for each Python module under the “Frame Objects” heading.


A module is a python callable that does data processing. Modules are passed a frame and can inspect and modify it at will before the frame is passed along to the next module. An example of a module is doing poly filtering on a timestream. As an example of a very simple module:

def simplemod(frame):

This prints the contents of the frame and does not modify it. As a more complex example, this would print the time at which a DfMux sample was recorded:

def printmuxtime(frame):

Modifying the frame also works like a dictionary. The following adds the number 5 to every frame:

def five(frame):
    frame['Five'] = 5

Much more detail is contained in the Modules chapter of the documentation.


A pipeline (G3Pipeline) is a sequence of modules. When the pipeline’s Run method is invoked, it will run all modules in sequence for each frame in the data stream. Conceptually, it’s nearly the same as a for loop. For example,

p = core.G3Pipeline()

is equivalent to:

for frame in frames:


Frames can be pickled and unpickled very quickly (1400 MB/s). Two special modules are provided (G3Reader and G3Writer) whose functions are to read and write frames to disk. This provides a full intermediate data format that can dump and restore the state of a pipeline to disk at any point. Something else equivalent to the above example is:

p = core.G3Pipeline()
p.Add(core.G3Writer, filename='dump.g3')

p = core.G3Pipeline()
p.Add(core.G3Reader, filename='dump.g3')

You can also read files directly:

for frame in core.G3File('dump.g3'):

If for exploration you would like to load a file into memory the following idiom works. Do not write code that relies on loading an entire file into memory or everything we’ve done was for naught. This is just for poking at data:

frames = [fr for fr in core.G3File('thefilename.g3')]

Frame Objects

Frames can store only objects that are subclasses of G3FrameObject or are plain-old-data (numerical scalars, booleans, strings). Notably, you cannot directly store python lists, tuples, or numpy arrays; container classes for these are provided, however. The primary driver for this is that the containers can be shared by C++ and Python code, which allows us to limit the amount of C++ to the cores of algorithms and preserve APIs between the two languages. This makes it much easier to write modules in C++ and Python interchangeably since both languages can access all the data products in the frame using the same interfaces.

The software provides both generic container classes (along the lines of a plain numpy array) and application-specific classes (such as G3Timestream) that also contain metadata (for example, start and stop times and units). In general, code should use one of the purpose-specific objects, which makes sure that stored information has all the appropriate metadata attached.

Some classes that hold multiple instances of other datatypes have names starting with either G3Vector, which denotes a list/array, or G3Map, denoting a dictionary from strings to the named type. These names follow the C++ convention.

Classes containing large quantities of numbers (G3Timestream, G3SkyMap, G3VectorDouble) store their data contiguously in memory and implement the Python buffer protocol, which makes numpy operations on these classes behave with the same speed and semantics as on numpy arrays.

Experimental data is stored in one of the following application-specific clASSES:

  • G3Timestream acts like a G3VectorDouble with attached sample rate, start time, stop time and units.

  • G3SkyMap is a base class for actual maps of the sky, and includes units and projection information.

  • BolometerProperties Stores the physical bolometer information like polarization angle and pointing offset.

  • DfMuxChannelMapping Is used to map the string identifying a bolometer to its board/module/channel in the dfmux system.

A few notable generic containers when the standard ones are not appropriate:

  • G3VectorDouble is a vector of doubles. It acts like a numpy array of doubles.

  • G3MapString acts like a dictionary that maps strings to strings

  • G3MapVectorDouble acts like a dictionary that maps a string to a vector of doubles

Frame objects must be defined in both C++ and Python, which can be a bit daunting if you aren’t familiar with C++. If you need to add an extra member to a G3FrameObject subclass or need a new class, ask on the Slack channel and someone familiar with the C++ side of the software can help with it.


This software includes a units system that is meant to end wondering whether a given function takes radians or degrees as an argument, or whether a stored time is in milliseconds or seconds. The support code is accessible to both C++ and Python as part of the G3Units namespace (core.G3Units.X in Python and G3Units::X in C++).

You should read the documentation on the Units system.

Debugging Code

Because of the step-by-step frame handling and callback system, debugging code requires a few more steps than usual.

To break into a debugger session at a certain point in the pipeline, you can use the spt3g.core.InjectDebug module.

Another common idiom is to insert a pipeline module that grabs data as it goes by for later examination, which lets you debug as though there were not callbacks. For example,

stuff = []
def grabstuff(fr):
    if 'MyData' in fr:

You can run the unit tests by running make test in the build directory, which is also a useful, though not sufficient, test that everything is working correctly – expanding test coverage is always a praiseworthy activity.