
The SPT3G software can automatically generate documentation on the modules and functions in all directories in the repository in a variety of formats. To generate documentation in the default format (HTML), run make docs in your build directory. Note that this must be run after the software has been built and with PYTHONPATH set appropriately (i.e. after running

Getting it documented

To ensure that your functions and modules are documented properly, you need to tell the document generator that you want it to parse them. In Python, G3Module objects will automatically be parsed. For functions and non-G3Module inherited classes, you’ll need to decorate them with @core.indexmod, @core.pipesegment or @core.usefulfunc, depending on the type of object to be documented.

In C++, functions exported as bp::def() will automatically be documented. Additionally, any modules exported with the EXPORT_G3MODULE macro will automatically be documented as well.

Documentation needs to be valid RST. Improperly formatted RST may result in really weird html. To be 100% sure that you are not generating RST warnings, you can run make docs in your build directory and check the output.

Viewing the docs

spt3g-inspect generates the documentation in an rst format. make docs will authomatically generate an HTML browseable doc. If a project includes a README.rst file at the root of its directory tree, the contents of this file will be prepended to the manual page for the project.