
A module is a processing step for data. Modules operate on frames, and pass frames from their input to their output queues, applying some processing in between. A typical module will operate on one frame at a time, reading data (e.g. bolometer timestreams) from a single input frame, adding new data (e.g. a filtered version of the bolometer timestreams), and then pushing the frame to its output queue for the next module in the chain.

More complex manipulations are possible: the module can create new frames, throw frames away, operate on more than one frame at a time, or some combination of all three. Examples of how to do these things, as well as rationales, appear below.

Writing a module in Python

Modules can be written in Python in any one of three styles: as python functions, as subclasses of the base class core.G3Module, or as generic Python callables.

Python Modules as Functions

The simplest, and most common, case of a Python module is one that receives one frame, (potentially) modifies it, then passes it to the next module. This can be easily written as a simple Python function:

def simplemod(frame):

This prints its input frame to the console, then implicitly passes it on to the next module in the chain.

As frames behave like Python dictionaries, the same approach can be used to modify frames:

def five(frame):
        frame['Five'] = 5

The next module in the chain will now see a key named “Five” containing the number 5.

A full example of this doing something actually useful is to implement scan-by-scan poly-1 filtering of timestreams:

import scipy.signal

def poly1(frame):
        if frame.type != core.G3FrameType.Scan:
        outts = core.G3TimestreamMap()
        for i in frame['CalTimestreams']:
                outts[i.key()] = core.G3Timestream(scipy.signal.detrend(,
        outts.start = frame['CalTimestreams'].start
        outts.stop = frame['CalTimestreams'].stop
        frame['Poly1FilteredTimestreams'] = outts

This ignores non-scan frames and then creates a new timestream map containing a detrended version of the original, preserving the start and stop times and units. Right now, all the parameters of this processing step are hardcoded. It can be made configurable by the addition of keyword arguments:

import scipy.signal

def poly1(frame, input='CalTimestreams', output='Poly1FilteredTimestreams'):
        if frame.type != core.G3FrameType.Scan:
        outts = core.G3TimestreamMap()
        for i in frame[input]:
                outts[i.key()] = core.G3Timestream(scipy.signal.detrend(
                outts[i.key()].units =
        outts.start = frame[input].start
        outts.stop = frame[input].stop
        frame[output] = outts
pipeline.Add(poly1, input='SomeOtherTimeStreams', output='OtherFilteredTimeStreams')

Note that the module does not modify the original timestreams in place. This is deliberate (and, in fact, modules in C++ are not even able to do this). The rationale here is that overwriting data in place:

  1. Makes it more confusing to trace the processing flow.

  2. Prevents some optimizations with file IO.

  3. Can create some causality paradoxes for certain kinds of data cached by modules.

Return values from Python modules

The examples above return None and so implicitly pass their input frame to the next module in the chain. Modules that need more control over data processing convey this by their return values:


Passes input frame to the next module

A G3Frame object

Passes the return value to the next module instead of the input frame. This is usually used for the first module in a chain. The very first module has no data to work with and is responsible for generating it (see The first module).

An iterable of G3Frames

Will insert the entire iterable (e.g. a Python list []) of frames into the input queue for the next module. This can be used to inject new data mid-processing, for example to read in calibration data, by returning a list containing both the input frame and a new one. Note that returning an empty list ([]) will cause the input frame to be dropped, which can be used to implement cuts. If the first module in the chain returns an empty list ([]), data processing will stop.

Something with truth value (e.g. True or False)

A return value of True will cause the input frame to be passed to the next module and is equivalent to returning None. Returning False will cause the input frame to be dropped and is equivalent to returning []. This can be used to implement cuts by returning the value of a conditional expression.

(Im)mutability of frame objects

Objects stored in a G3Frame are immutable – once added to a frame, they should not be modified. If you want to change the contents of a frame object, delete it from the frame, modify a copy, and add the copy to be frame. (In C++, the compiler will prevent in-place modifications since G3Frame::Get() returns a const pointer, but Python doesn’t have a concept of const so you just have to pay attention to the rules yourself and don’t get the compiler’s help). Copying the most common objects (e.g. G3TimestreamMaps) is designed to be particularly lightweight to facilitate this.

The immutability allows three particularly useful features of the software:

  • Any pipeline module can cache an object (e.g. calibration data) by reference, without using excess memory. If later modules had the ability to modify frame objects, this could change the past in some sense by changing previous pipeline stages’ view of the data after it was cached.

  • Serialization and deserialization of frame objects happens when frames are read from or written to disk and every time they pass through an MPI communicator or between members of a multiprocess group. To amortize this cost, G3Frame saves the original serialized copy of small (< 128 MB) frame objects when deserialized and restores that copy to disk/MPI/etc. when the frame is saved again rather than pointlessly reserializing the unchanged object. If an object read from disk/MPI is modified in place and the frame is re-serialized, it will save the original version of the object, leading to a great deal of puzzling down the line.

  • The provenance of any object in the frame can be tracked at a high level since the only time things can change is when they are added to or deleted from a frame. This makes tracing where data came from in the pipeline vastly easier.

CAUTION: An astute reader will notice that there are a few patterns that, while illegal in the strictest sense of the rules (they change frame-objects in place and a C++ compiler would reject them), will not create causality paradoxes (e.g. changing an object that a function has just added to a frame). Please proceed with great caution when writing such code.

For software connoisseurs: this is similar to, and exists for largely the same reasons as, the “single-static-assignment” architecture popular in modern compilers.

The first module

The first module added to a G3Pipeline object is special: unlike all others, it does not act on input frames, since these frames cannot have come from anywhere. Instead, it is responsible for generating them. The G3Reader module is an example of this: it generates frames by reading them from disk.

Unlike all other modules, the first module will be passed None instead of a frame. This module then inserts data into the processing queue by returning new frames (see Return values from Python modules). Data processing will stop when it returns an empty list ([]).

Callable Objects as Functions

In addition to Python functions, any Python callable (anything that implements the __call__ method) can be used as a processing module. This can be useful for processing steps that need to maintain state, such as a map making module that needs to keep its in-progress map between scans. Semantics and return values are the same as for Python functions (see Return values from Python modules).

class NumberOfCalls(object):
        def __init__(self, Output='NCalls'):
                self.out = Output
                self.ncalls = 0
        def __call__(self, frame):
                self.ncalls = self.ncalls + 1
                frame[self.out] = self.ncalls
pipeline.Add(NumberOfCalls, Output='Calls')

An alternative would be to subclass the core.G3Module class, which is more equivalent to the C++ mechanism but makes no practical difference at all, except that it will be automatically documented (see Autodocumentation of modules). The only other difference is that the __call__ method is renamed Process in this case:

class NumberOfCalls(core.G3Module):
        def __init__(self, Output='NCalls'):
                super(NumberOfCalls, self).__init__()
                self.out = Output
                self.ncalls = 0
        def Process(self, frame):
                self.ncalls = self.ncalls + 1
                frame[self.out] = self.ncalls
pipeline.Add(NumberOfCalls, Output='Calls')

Autodocumentation of modules

Preceding your module with the @core.indexmod decorator will allow the spt3g-inspect tool to list it. This should be used for processing steps designed for public use only rather than one-off functions for internal use in larger blocks of code.

For example:

def printframe(frame):
        '''Print frame to console'''

will produce the following output of spt3g-inspect:

— Processing module: spt3g.example.printframe — Print frame to console

All subclasses of core.G3Module (both in Python and C++) are automatically treated as though they were marked with this decorator.

Writing a module in C++

The process of writing a processing module in C++ is similar to the Python one. C++ modules use a slightly different interface than Python; in particular, they behave like the callable object interface where all methods return lists.

A C++ module must inherit from the G3Module class. Data processing happens through the Process method, which takes two arguments: an input frame and an output queue. Output frames are pushed onto the queue; the semantics of this output queue are identical to those for Python processing modules returning lists.

#include <G3Frame.h>
#include <G3Module.h>
#include <G3Data.h>
#include <pybindings.h>

class Five : public G3Module {
        void Process(G3FramePtr frame, std::deque<G3FramePtr> &out) {
                frame->Put("Five", G3IntPtr(new G3Int(5)));

EXPORT_G3MODULE("exampleproject", Five, init<>(), "Adds five");

This example creates a module called Five that, like the earlier Python example, adds a key named Five to every frame. It is a part of the library “exampleproject” and will be accessible from Python as exampleproject.Five.

Interaction with Python occurs through the EXPORT_G3MODULE() macro. The first two arguments are the library name and class to export. The third gives the arguments to the constructor (none, in this case). The fourth is the docstring visible for the class in Python. An example configurable version of the class follows:

#include <G3Frame.h>
#include <G3Module.h>
#include <G3Data.h>
#include <string>

class Five : public G3Module {
        Five(std::string output = "Five") : output_(output) {}
        void Process(G3FramePtr frame, std::deque<G3FramePtr> &out) {
                frame->Put(output_, G3IntPtr(new G3Int(5)));
        std::string output_;

EXPORT_G3MODULE("exampleproject", Five, init<optional<std::string> >(args("output")), "Adds five");

Here, the init<> arguments are modified to reflect that the configuration parameter is a string, that it is optional (leaving out the optional<> will make it mandatory), and that it maps to a Python keyword argument named “output”. If your constructor takes multiple arguments, enclose the entire init section in parentheses to avoid preprocessor errors.

Pipeline Segments

The use of pipeline segments allows you to have a canned collection of modules that can be added to a pipeline as though it were a single module. An example would be a pipeline segment that performs standard timestream filtering, which may be made of many separate modules but where specifying them individually would be tedious and prone to error.

A pipeline segment is defined by a Python function that is marked by the @core.pipesegment decorator and takes a pipeline as its first argument. For example:

def standardfiltering(pipe, input='CalTimestreams', output='OutTimestreams'):
        This is the standard timestream filtering used for 2016 data

        pipe.Add(analysis.PolyFilter, input=input, order=1)
        pipe.Add(analysis.MaskedHighPassFilter, ell=3000)

pipe.Add(standardfiltering, output='FilteredTimestreams')

By default, the core.pipesegment decorator will introspect these functions by running them against a fake pipeline object. This information about what the segment does is then automatically appended to the docstring for the segment. This makes it easy for a user to discover what your wrapper does in a way that cannot become inconsistent with documentation. If your pipeline segment has side effects (e.g. opening files) or cannot be run with its default arguments, you may wish to disable this behavior by passing the autodoc=False keyword argument to the decorator.

Advanced Techniques: Buffering Data

Modules that need to work on granularilty coarser than a scan (e.g. notch filtering) can buffer frames. This can be implemented using the Python callable interface. For example:

class Buffered(object):
        def __init__(self):
                self.buffer = []
        def __call__(self, frame):
                if len(self.buffer) < 5:
                        # Add to buffer and move to the next scan
                        return []

                # Now we have 5 frames queued up

                # Clear buffer and send these frames onward
                returnval = self.buffer
                self.buffer = []
                return returnval

This implements a processing step that works on five scans at a time. From the perspective of a module either before or after this one in the chain, nothing unusual happens: frames appear in order one at a time in both cases. When __call__ returns an empty list, the pipeline goes back to the first module to get a new frame instead of continuing to the next. These accumulate inside the internal queue of Buffered until there are five scans present. At that point, they are processed as a group and then moved to the output queue. When the pipeline sees five frames in the output queue, it will call the next module five times, with each frame in sequence. Once that is complete, it will then go back to the first module for new frames.

Caching Previous Data

The previous example can be adapted to cache data from previous frames when that data is required to operate on current frames. This is useful for caching e.g. calibration data.

class Caching(object):
        def __init__(self, calibrator_key='CalibratorResponse'):
            self.calkey = calibrator_key
   = None
        def __call__(self, frame):
            if self.calkey in frame:
       = frame[self.calkey]
            if frame.type == core.G3FrameType.Scan:
                # Do something here

There are two convenience methods for caching data and passing it into a module. This is useful for writing a function that requires (for example) a BolometerPropertiesMap, but otherwise does not require a class. This is best illustrated with an example

@core.cache_frame_data(type=core.G3FrameType.Scan, bolo_props='BolometerProperties')
def FlagSomeStuff(frame, flag_key='Flags', bolo_props=None):

The decorator @core.cache_frame_data will ensure that the bolometer properties are passed to FlagSomeStuff in the bolo_props kwarg. The (required) type argument specifies that FlagSomeStuff only runs on frames of type core.G3FrameType.Scan. When called with an abritrary kwarg='FrameKey' pair, core.cache_frame_data caches the most recent instance of 'FrameKey' in any frame, and passes it to the decorated function under the keyword argument kwarg. core.cache_frame_data can cache multiple keys from multiple frames. For example, if one wanted to cache the calibrator singal to noise ratio (stored as 'CalibratorResponseSN') as well as the bolometer properties, and pass it to a function with the keyword argument calsn, one would wrap that function with the decorator @core.cache_frame_data(type=core.G3FrameType.Scan, calsn='CalibratorResponseSN', bolo_props='BolometerProperties'). This would be useful if one wanted to apply different calibrator SNR thresholds to different bands, for example.

core.scan_func_cache_data is a special case of core.cache_frame_data where type is set to core.G3FrameType.Scan.


Modules are connected to one another by a pipeline object, of which there is currently one implementation: G3Pipeline. Any pipeline has two interesting methods, Add and Run.


The Add() method adds a module to the pipeline immediately following the last added module. It accepts any of the module types described above, as well as pipeline segments. For classes (either C++ or Python), it can accept either an instance of the module or the class. If passed a class, keyword arguments following the class are passed to the class constructor. The following two pieces of code are equivalent:

pipe = G3Pipeline()
pipe = G3Pipeline()
pipe.Add(core.G3Reader, filename="test.g3")

For pipeline segments, only the second syntax works. As a result, the second syntax is generally preferred, as it can be used uniformly for all objects that can be passed to Add(). Additionally, only the second syntax will record configuration information (see G3PipelineInfo).

Add() accepts a special keyword argument (name) that can be used to set the name of a module or segment in the output of run profiling (see below). If unspecified, it defaults to the name of the class or function, with slashes indexing modules added by pipeline segments.

If the subprocess argument to Add() is set to True, the module passed will be run in a python subprocess using the multiprocessing framework. Note that this does not work yet for segments.


The Run() method runs the pipeline until completion (see The first module). It takes one optional keyword argument (profile). If set to True, it will print out the amount of system and user time spent in that module during processing after completion.


G3Pipeline will automatically insert information about its configuration into the data stream by internally emitting a PipelineInfo frame containing a timestamped G3PipelineInfo object with the following information:

  • Version control information (branch, revision number, source URL, version name if any, presence of local diffs, etc.) reflecting the software currently running.

  • The user and host running the software.

  • The configuration of all modules and/or segments added to the pipeline.

This information is added immediately following the first added module or segment. If the first frame in the data stream at this point is already a PipelineInfo frame (or a PipelineInfo frame occurs in one of the first few frames, with only metadata frames before it), the G3PipelineInfo object described above will be added to it; otherwise, a new PipelineInfo frame with the object is prepended to the data stream.

Within some limits imposed by Python (related to lambda functions, most notably), calling repr() on a G3PipelineInfo object (or a G3Pipeline object) will yield an executable Python script reflecting the exact modules and configuration used to produce the data. To within the mentioned limitations, this script can be rerun to exactly reproduce stored data; it can also be inspected to learn the configuration of the data’s source pipeline[s] and thus the processing that produced it.

The G3PipelineInfo .Run() method provides a convenient way of rerunning the pipeline configuration within it, and the .modules attribute is a list of G3ModuleConfig objects with dict-like access to the arguments provided to each pipeline module.


  • The content of functions defined inline in a script (either by def or lambda), as opposed to functions defined in an imported Python module, will not appear in the output, though options will. Inline functions defined by def will at least give the name of the function.

  • Options passed to pre-instantiated modules will not be stored. Only options passed in pipe.Add() will be recorded. For example, pipe.Add(core.G3Reader, filename="test.g3") will fully record its arguments, but pipe.Add(core.G3Reader(filename="test.g3")) will not. Prefer the syntax that records options unless you have a compelling reason to do something else.

  • A G3Pipeline created in C++ will not record configuration; only G3Pipelines created in Python will.

  • If the code used to run the pipeline initially has changed, rerunning the configuration from the G3PipelineInfo object will produce different results. Use the version control information stored in the object to ensure you are running the correct version of the software.