
The calibration project contains data classes and analysis code for storing the following things:

Physical properties of the bolometers

This includes the relative pointing offsets of the detectors on the focal plane, their polarization angles and efficiences, their bands, and the fabrication name (physical name) of the detector to which the channel corresponds. It does not include tuning-dependent parameters like time constants or responsivity. This information is stored in a BolometerPropertiesMap, indexed by logical bolometer ID, in the Calibration frame. The standard name for this object is “BolometerProperties” and it is created from a composite of other calibration information.

The frequency band for a bolometer is often represented by a string name with units. The BandFormat class provides some functions for converting numerical bands (in G3Units) to their string representation. A global instance of this class is instantiated, for ensuring consistent band formatting throughout the library code. By default, the band string is formatted with precision 0 (i.e. an integer) in units of GHz; these can be modified by using the set_band_format() function. The band_to_string() and band_to_value() functions can be used to convert numerical band values to their string representation and vice versa. The extract_band_string() and extract_band_value() functions can be used to extract band information in string or numerical form from other strings. Library code should take care to use these functions wherever possible.

In addition, the .band_string property of a BolometerProperties instance returns the string representation of the given bolometer’s frequency band, using the global formatting specification.

Frame Objects in spt3g.calibration


Physical bolometer properties, such as detector angular offsets. Does not include tuning-dependent properties of the detectors.



BolometerProperties( (BolometerProperties)arg2)


  • physical_name: Physical name of the detector (e.g. some polarization at some particular pixel on the wafer)

  • x_offset: Horizontal pointing offset relative to boresight in angular units.

  • y_offset: Vertical pointing offset relative to boresight in angular units.

  • band: Nominal center of detector observing band in frequency units

  • center_frequency: Measured center of detector observing band in frequency units

  • bandwidth: Measured bandwidth of detector observing band in frequency units

  • pol_angle: Polarization angle in angular units

  • pol_efficiency: Polarization efficiency (0-1)

  • coupling: Optical coupling type

  • wafer_id: Name of the wafer this detector is on

  • pixel_id: Name of the pixel of which this detector is a part

  • pixel_type: Name of the pixel type of which this detector is a part

  • band_string: String representation of frequency band center

  • band_vstring: String representation of frequency band center, without units name


Container for bolometer properties for focal plane, mapping logical bolometer IDs to their physical properties.



BolometerPropertiesMap( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg2)

BolometerPropertiesMap( (list)arg2) :

Initialize with keys and values from a Python dictionary: {‘key’:’value’}

BolometerPropertiesMap( (dict)arg2) :

Initialize with keys and values as tuples in a Python list: [(‘key’,’value’)]




keys( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg1) -> list :

D.keys() -> list of D’s keys


has_key( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg1, (str)arg2) -> bool :

D.has_key(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False


values( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg1) -> list :

D.values() -> list of D’s values


items( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg1) -> list :

D.items() -> list of D’s (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples


clear( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg1) -> None :

D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D.


copy( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg1) -> BolometerPropertiesMap :

D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D


get( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg1, (str)arg2 [, (object)default_val]) -> object :

D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.


pop( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg1, (str)arg2) -> object

pop( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg1, (str)arg2, (object)arg3) -> object :

D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised


popitem( (BolometerPropertiesMap)arg1) -> object :

D.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty


update( (object)arg1, (object)arg2) -> None :

D.update(E) -> None. Update D from E: for k in E: D[k] = E[k]


iteritems( (object)arg1) -> object :

D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D


iterkeys( (object)arg1) -> object :

D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D


itervalues( (object)arg1) -> object :

D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D


Pointing model parameters to be used for offline pointing corrections.



PointingProperties( (PointingProperties)arg2)


  • tiltLat: Azimuth lateral tilt parameter.

  • tiltHA: Azimuth hour angle tilt parameter.

  • tiltMag: Magnitude of azimuth tilt.

  • tiltAngle: Orientation of azimuth tilt.


Container for pointing model parameters for offline pointing.



PointingPropertiesMap( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg2)

PointingPropertiesMap( (list)arg2) :

Initialize with keys and values from a Python dictionary: {‘key’:’value’}

PointingPropertiesMap( (dict)arg2) :

Initialize with keys and values as tuples in a Python list: [(‘key’,’value’)]




keys( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg1) -> list :

D.keys() -> list of D’s keys


has_key( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg1, (str)arg2) -> bool :

D.has_key(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False


values( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg1) -> list :

D.values() -> list of D’s values


items( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg1) -> list :

D.items() -> list of D’s (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples


clear( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg1) -> None :

D.clear() -> None. Remove all items from D.


copy( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg1) -> PointingPropertiesMap :

D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D


get( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg1, (str)arg2 [, (object)default_val]) -> object :

D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.


pop( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg1, (str)arg2) -> object

pop( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg1, (str)arg2, (object)arg3) -> object :

D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised


popitem( (PointingPropertiesMap)arg1) -> object :

D.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty


update( (object)arg1, (object)arg2) -> None :

D.update(E) -> None. Update D from E: for k in E: D[k] = E[k]


iteritems( (object)arg1) -> object :

D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D


iterkeys( (object)arg1) -> object :

D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D


itervalues( (object)arg1) -> object :

D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D

Modules in spt3g.calibration


Take an input G3FrameObject-derivative Map keyed by bolometer name and split it into several based on the bands of the detectors as given by the BolometerProperties key. Return the same type of maps as the one it was handed, e.g. G3TimestreamMap, G3MapInt, etc.


SplitByBand(self, input='CalTimestreams', output_root=None, bands=None, bpm='BolometerProperties', drop_empty=False)


Split the input map given by input into several output maps named output_root + band + GHz (e.g. CalTimestreams150GHz with the default options). If bands is not None, use only the bands in the list (possibly writing empty timestream maps to the frame). Otherwise, creates maps for every band that exists in the input. Setting bpm to a non-default value causes this to get its band mapping from an alternative data source.


Take an input G3FrameObject-derivative Map keyed by bolometer name and split it into several based on the pixel types of the detectors as given by the BolometerProperties key. Return the same type of maps as the one it was handed, e.g. G3TimestreamMap, G3MapInt, etc.


SplitByPixelType(self, input='CalTimestreams', output_root=None, types=None, bpm='BolometerProperties', drop_empty=False)


Split the input map given by input into several output maps named output_root + wafer (e.g. CalTimestreamsW172 with the default options). If wafers is not None, use only the wafers in the list (possibly writing empty timestream maps to the frame). Otherwise, creates maps for every wafer that exists in the input. Setting bpm to a non-default value causes this to get its wafer mapping from an alternative data source.


Take an input G3FrameObject-derivative Map keyed by bolometer name and split it into several based on the property of the detectors as given by the BolometerProperties key. Return the same type of maps as the one it was handed, e.g. G3TimestreamMap, G3MapInt, etc.


SplitByProperty(self, input='CalTimestreams', property=None, property_list=None, output_root=None, bpm='BolometerProperties', drop_empty=False)


Split the input map given by input into several output maps named output_root + key (e.g. CalTimestreams + str(property)) with the default options).


Key name of the input map to split.


Attribute name to extract from the BolometerProperties object. Required.

property_listlist of properties

Properties to include in the output keys. Entries that are not strings will be converted to strings using the SplitByProperty.converter method. If property_list is not None, use only the names in the list (possibly writing empty timestream maps to the frame). Otherwise, creates maps for every that exists in the input.


Prefix for the output keys. If None (default), use input as the output root.


The key name of the BolometerPropertiesMap from which to extract the requested property for splitting the input map.


If True, drop output maps that don’t contain any bolometers.


Take an input G3FrameObject-derivative Map keyed by bolometer name and split it into several based on the wafers of the detectors as given by the BolometerProperties key. Return the same type of maps as the one it was handed, e.g. G3TimestreamMap, G3MapInt, etc.


SplitByWafer(self, input='CalTimestreams', output_root=None, wafers=None, bpm='BolometerProperties', drop_empty=False)


Split the input map given by input into several output maps named output_root + wafer (e.g. CalTimestreamsW172 with the default options). If wafers is not None, use only the wafers in the list (possibly writing empty timestream maps to the frame). Otherwise, creates maps for every wafer that exists in the input. Setting bpm to a non-default value causes this to get its wafer mapping from an alternative data source.


Take an input G3FrameObject-derivative Map keyed by bolometer name and split it into several based on the bands of the detectors as given by the BolometerProperties key. Return the same type of maps as the one it was handed, e.g. G3TimestreamMap, G3MapInt, etc.


SplitTimestreamsByBand(self, input='CalTimestreams', output_root=None, bands=None, bpm='BolometerProperties', drop_empty=False)


Split the input map given by input into several output maps named output_root + band + GHz (e.g. CalTimestreams150GHz with the default options). If bands is not None, use only the bands in the list (possibly writing empty timestream maps to the frame). Otherwise, creates maps for every band that exists in the input. Setting bpm to a non-default value causes this to get its band mapping from an alternative data source.


Build bolometer properties map from raw calibration sub-frames emitted by other processing scripts. Input data are maps of bolo ID to floats or, in the case of names, strings. If multiple instance of each data class appear, the final bolometer properties map will be the median of the input values.

Expects to be passed frames from: - RCW38 Relative Pointing Offset Calibration (Keys: ‘PointingOffsetX’, ‘PointingOffsetY’) - CenA Angle Calibration (Keys: ‘PolarizationAngle’, ‘PolarizationEfficiency’) - Band Calibration (Key: ‘BoloBands’) - Physical Name Data (Key: ‘PhysicalBoloIDs’)


BuildBoloPropertiesMap(self, drop_original_frames=True, fiducial_detectors=[], bpm_name='NominalBolometerProperties', use_bpm_pointing=False)


If drop_original_frames is True, will drop all input Calibration frames.

If fiducial_detectors is set, will use the average of the position[s] of whatever detector[s] are specified to center each set of relative offsets encountered (NB: this recentering is done in a Cartesian way). If it is not specified, five detectors near the middle of the focal plane present in every observation given will be chosen automatically and printed to the console.

bpm_name is the name of the key containing the input BolometerPropertiesMap that will be merged into the output map.

If use_bpm_pointing is True, then the pointing information is extracted from the input BolometerPropertiesMap. If False, pointing information must be supplied in an additional input frame.


Build pointing properties from raw calibration sub-frames emitted by other processing scripts. Input data are floats, including tilt information, and eventually other pointing model values.

Expects to be passed frames from: - Az tilt fit parameters (Keys: ‘tiltAngle’, ‘tiltHA’, ‘tiltLat’, ‘tiltMag’)


BuildPointingProperties(self, drop_original_frames=True)


If drop_original_frames is True, will drop all input Calibration frames.


Take a bolometer properties map (usually the nominal one) and convert it into its constituent keys as though they came from real calibration. This is the inverse of BuildBoloPropertiesMap and mostly is useful when combining hardware map information with real calibration.


ExplodeBolometerProperties(frame, bpmname='NominalBolometerProperties')


Merge the keys from a sequence of calibration frames. Will throw an exception if a key recurs in more than one calibration frame. The merged calibration frame will be emitted before the first non-calibration frame that follows a calibration frame or at the end of processing, whichever comes first. Other non-calibration frames will be ignored.


MergeCalibrationFrames(self, KeysToIgnore=['PointingOffsetX', 'PointingOffsetY'])


Ignores keys in the KeysToIgnore list during merging. By default, set to values written by the flux/pointing calibration that are stored to the BolometerPropertiesMap.

Functions in spt3g.calibration


Convert a band value in G3Units to its string representation, using the appropriate precision and units name.


band_to_string(value, include_units=True)


Convert a band string to a value in G3Units, or raise a ValueError if no match is found.




Return the band substring from the input string, or None if not found.


extract_band_string(string, include_units=True)


Return the band in G3Units extracted from the input string, or None if not found.




Return the units string used for formatting frequency band values.




Set the band format precision and units for converting between a quantity in G3Units and its string representation.


Float formatting precision for the band quantity. If <=0, output will be an integer. If >0, output will be a floating point number with this many decimal places of precision.


String name of the G3Units quantity in which to represent the frequency band, e.g. “GHz” or “MHz”. Must correspond to a valid attribute of the core.G3Units namespace.


set_band_format(precision, units)